Cornwall Food For Change

Another excellent meeting today with plenty of lively debate swilled down with free tea, coffee and biscuits.

We also welcomed back Nicky Abrahams from Food For Change, part of the Cornwall Food Foundation and Nicky told us about their programme which caters for people in the locality who are currently out of work and maybe looking for inspiration and new challenges.

Working with food to gain new skills, Food For Change helps people reach their goals and get involved in the local community. They also teach people how to grow, cook and trade food and can help those who are looking to return to work .

Food For Change is a brilliant organisation and is in the same group as Jamie Oliver’s  Fifteen Cornwall at Watergate Bay, an award winning social enterprise all of whose profits go to support the Cornwall Food Foundation.

Next Monday we welcome Beata Webb from Pegasus Men’s Wellbeing but before then, don’t forget, we have our regular Thursday meeting on 14th February so please, come along and join in the conversation.

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