New Faces

More New Faces

Great to see more new people coming along to our regular Monday and Thursday meetings.

New people adds to the variety of conversation with different interests and experiences coming to the fore each week so why not come along (it’s free), meet and make new friends and join in the chat over a cuppa!

Don’t forget our meeting times, Monday from 12.00pm until 2.00pm andย  Thursday from 12.00pm until around 2.30/3.00pm.

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2 thoughts on “New Faces”

  1. Went along to my first meeting today, so guess I can be the proud bearer of the ‘New Face’ badge ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thank you to Mark, and the rest of the guys there for the warm welcome. I was very nervous at first, as I’m struggling to get out and socialise much at all at the minute, but after being pointed in the direction of KMS by my therapist at Pentreath, I thought…..D’ya know what, I’ll give this a go……and I’m glad I did!

    Hopefully, I’ll be able to find the kahunas to meet you all Thursday for bowling……lets see? Thank you Mark & the Guys (you were right Mark…..I cant remember their names…….yet! ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    • Hey Gary, it was great to meet you today and hope you felt it worthwhile coming along to meet the guys.
      Looking forward to seeing you again soon, hopefully Thursday, but whenever you feel up to it.


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